Straight To Video
Straight To Video
Episode 234 - Ted Felicetti
We talk to Ted Felicetti - Singer & Guitarist for Don't Panic and Music Booking Agent. We trace Ted's journey growing up as a kid in the late 80s and early 90s, immersing himself in Star Wars, Marvel Comics and WWF before Marty McFly's guitar solo and Punk Rock raised their head and put him on a new road that would shape his future. It's been a full circle path for Ted from starting in bands then cutting his DIY Booking teeth over several Warped Tour Summers before eventually reuniting with his old bandmates years later to relight that punk rock flame and head back out on the road.
Special thanks to Affinity Photo - The hottest photo editing software on iPad, Mac & PC
Intro Music by Johnny Monaco
Incidental Music by Night Fires
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